Urgent Care or ER?

November 11, 2018
urgent care vs er

Urgent Care or ER? It can be difficult to know when an injury or illness requires an urgent care clinic or a trip to the emergency room.  In this month’s blog, Board Certified Emergency Medicine physician Dr. Mickiewicz discusses some basic rules of thumb for when to visit each facility. Understanding the Emergency Room The […]

Sprains, Strains and Broken Bones…Oh My!

October 28, 2018
broken bones

Sprains, Strains and Broken Bones…Oh My! One of the most common injuries that we care for at Complete Urgent Care are acute extremity injuries.  Ankles, Knees, wrists, elbows and shoulders are prone to frequent injury. Through many years of practice in the Emergency Room, I have seen injuries that cover the range from severe, devastating […]

FAQ: What Urgent Care Services Do You Offer?

October 21, 2018
Nashville Urgent Care Clinic Exam Room

Because our urgent care is owned and operated by ER doctors, we can treat more than the typical walk in clinic. We provide comprehensive management of common illnesses and injuries as well as offer onsite digital x-ray, electrocardiogram (EKG), stitches, incision & draining (I&D), breathing treatments, IVs and more! Click here to see a comprehensive […]

FAQ: What Insurance Do You Accept?

October 20, 2018

We gladly work with most major medical insurances both in Tennessee and from out-of-state.  Most insurance plans require an upfront payment/co-payment for urgent care visits.  This payment is due at the time of service. Please make sure to check with your insurance company to ensure that your individual plan is in network with our Providers […]

Complete Physicians Visit Innovative Express Care

September 29, 2018

Complete Physicians Visit Innovative Express Care: Always seeking opportunities to bring the most cutting-edge medical practices to Nashville, the Complete Physicians spent a few days in Chicago this month learning about a unique new urgent care/primary care hybrid model clinic.  Dr. Babcock and Dr. Mickiewicz visited Innovative Express Care, owned and operated by Dr. Rahul […]

The Truth About X-Rays

September 12, 2018
xray clinic

The Truth About X-Rays: X-Ray is a common diagnostic test used in medical practice.   However, after many conversations with patients over the years practicing medicine, it is clear that there are a few commonly held misunderstandings about X-Rays that I will discuss today.  Hopefully this article will provide you with an understanding of when X-rays […]

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